Carrot Greens Pesto Sauce

There’s many things I was excited to grow in the garden this year. Fresh carrots being one of them! However, the carrots I grew didn’t grow all that big the first time around. Rather, I was blessed with big carrot tops.

Did you know that the greens from carrots are totally edible? They are also extremely nutritious too. Carrot greens contain 6 times the amount of vitamin C than the root vegetable itself. They are also rich in iron, magnesium, and beta-carotene. Next time you have some extra greens from your carrots, you can cut them up and add them to a salad, or make this delicious ‘Carrot Greens Pesto Sauce’!

The recipe below is vegan, gluten-free, and oil free. It can be used for many different meals of yours. Place it on your noodles, sandwiches, vegetables, and more! Here’s what you will need to get started…



1 1/2 cups of carrot leaves

1/4 cup of cashews

2 garlic cloves

1 cup of cut zucchini

3 tbsp of nutritional yeast

Juice from half of a squeezed lemon

Salt and pepper to taste


Simply add all of the ingredients to a food processor. Blend on a low speed to start. Slowly add in a little bit of water to the mixture until you reach your desired consistency. Turn up the speed of the food processor for final blending.

Jonathan W